How to Know When to Change Your Oil At Tuffy Wyoming
May 29, 2014
Today in the Tuffy Wyoming auto care blog, were going to talk to Wyoming motorists about oil change intervals. It seems that as engine technology advances, recommended oil change intervals have gotten longer for Tuffy Wyoming customers. High quality oil in a well-engineered SUV engi... More

Fuel System Cleaning at Tuffy Wyoming in Wyoming for Better Performance
May 21, 2014
A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicles engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel, to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine. Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel ... More

Another Couple of Years: Making Your Vehicle Last At Tuffy Wyoming
May 15, 2014
A while back, the Cash for Clunkers program was all over the Michigan news. Wyoming people could trade in their old vehicle for a new one that got better fuel efficiency and receive a government rebate. A lot of Wyoming motorists had so-called clunkers that they wanted to keep. Th... More

Wyoming Drivers Severe Service Maintenance Schedules
May 6, 2014
Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among Wyoming auto owners, SUV auto manufacturers publish two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should Wyoming car owners follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself:Ar... More