Full Stop (Brake Master Cylinder Replacement)
July 28, 2024
When you step on your brake pedal, you want to feel confident that your vehicles going to stop. If your brakes arent working right, its a risk to your safety and the safety of others on the road. After all, youre driving a machine that weighs thousands of pounds, and you have to be able to stop... More

Smooth Operator (Shocks and Struts)
July 21, 2024
Few of us ever drive somewhere without encountering some pretty rough roads, and it's amazing how well our vehicles are able to smooth out the ride. Thank your shocks and struts. The two parts are similar. Some cars have shocks in the rear, and struts in the front. Others have struts all around... More

Clean Machine (Fuel and Air Induction Cleaning)
July 14, 2024
As your vehicle ages, its performance isnt quite what it used to be, but many of us never notice the change because its gradual. So here are a few questions to ask yourself. Does your vehicle feel like it doesnt have the pep that it used to? Have you noticed your fuel economy isnt quite as good... More

Steering You Right (Tie Rod End Replacement)
July 7, 2024
For drivers, S stands for safety. And there are three other words that start with S that are all equally important: starting, stopping and steering. For your vehicle to be at its safest, all three functions must be in top shape. Steering is one of those things we take for granted. After all, y... More